If you're ready for better relationships, you're in the right place.



like you?  

βœ“From the outside looking in, your life seems great, but you feel like somethinig is missing 


βœ“ You've settled for comfort & connection over deep love in the past


βœ“ You have lots of friends but still, for some reason, feel lonely


βœ“ You feel stuck or behind in life

βœ“ You keep repeating the same patterns over & over again in relationships 


βœ“ You know your life is made for more, but you're unsure how to get to the next step


βœ“ You secretly fear you will never find the type of relationship you truly want 

I've been exactly where you are...


I was scared and lonely -- always in on-again-off-again relationships (or not in a relationship at all). I had no idea how to get out of the cycle.

I tried everything.

Therapy, coaching, trauma work, energy healers, seminars, books (a LOT of books)... the list goes on.

After years of deep internal work, I finally learned a way of healing and personal growth that ACTUALLY changed my relationships.

It’s now my turn to give back: to teach you the exact step-by-step process that brought me to where I am today.

My goal is to help you have deep internal peace and external freedom in relationships.

How am I going to help you do this?


Hi love, I'm Nora! I've worked with thousands of clients over the past 10 years, as a Matchmaker and a Life Coach. My coaching method combines the science of attraction with somatic reprogramming to help my clients heal the relationship they have with themselves in order to attract healthier and more loving relationships.

Through deeply understanding human psychology, your relationship to yourself, your past, confidence, authenticity, trauma, and self-love, I will help you attract the relationships you deserve.




FoundLove is three months of personal coaching with Nora. This is the most hands-on coaching that Nora offers. 


You will experience a 3-month process of changing your relationship patterns from the inside out.



Week One

Let's Be Honest...

We will cover: 
Audit what your life & relationships look like today to discover what is blocking you from having the relationship you want

Week Two

What is Real Love?

We will cover: 
Introducing the 'Real Love Method' which will teach you the difference between real love and unhealthy love dynamics

Week Three

Rewiring Your Past

We will cover: 
Why you're attracted to the wrong people re-wiring your past to change the type of future relationships you're attracted to

Week Four

Healing Attachment Patterns

We will cover:
The science of attachment, the different types and how to heal your attachment patterns

Week Five

The Release: Letting Go

We will cover:
How to release relationships that are no longer serving you (including family relationships, ex's, current relationships)

Week Six

Meeting Your Inner-Child

What we will cover:
How to re-wire your nervous system for consistent internal safety and self-love by introducing your own inner child work

Week Seven

#1 Tool to Change Your Life

What we will cover:
How to regulate your nervous system with tools and resources for your emotional awareness, availability and regulation

Week Eight

Confidence: Your "Higher Self"

What we will cover:
How to become the most confident, authentic version of your and how to create your new 'Higher Self' life 

Week Nine

Art & Science of Attraction

What we will cover:
Learn the art & science of authentic attraction & chemistry to have magnetically attractive energy

Week Ten

Relationships 101 

What we will cover:
The tangible, science-backed, ways to have healthy and loving relationshps with  every person in your life

Week Eleven

 Setting Boundaries

What we will cover:
Understanding how to set clear and loving boundaries realizing they are the building blocks of healthy relationships

Week Twelve

Becoming Magnetic

What we will cover:
Embodying every tool that you learned in the past 12 weeks and standing in your power to attract your new relationships.